Software development

Performance Testing vs Load Testing vs. Stress Testing

Businesses can map out a good scalability plan during load testing. This is because load testing can help determine when software is ready to scale and when it’s not. The example stress test below shows that up to a load size of 41 users, the system functions, despite the increase in page time.

Difference Between Load Testing vs Stress Testing

If the application responds within your SLA parameters, such a test would be considered a successful component in capacity planning. If the performance metrics recorded during the test are outside of the desirable parameters, a load test may become a stress test as you push the system beyond its available capacity. A stress test is a test designed to increase the number of simultaneous requests on a system past a point where performance is degraded, even to the point of complete failure. Where a load test will peak out in the number of simultaneous users, a basic stress test will continue to increase load on the system until the resources are overloaded. This pushes the system to a state of potential failure to see how the system handles it and whether the system can perform a graceful recovery.

When do you Use Stress Testing?

Performance testing includes various types of testing including Load, Stress, and others. A performance test is done to validate the reliability and stability of the system, ensure the response time is within the defined SLA, and also ensure that the system is scalable. Stress Testing is a type of load testing used to determine the limits of the system. The purpose of this test is to verify the stability and reliability of the system under extreme conditions.

Difference Between Load Testing vs Stress Testing

Therefore, it’s crucial to conduct performance testing to detect such issues. A load test is designed to conduct a certain number of system requests to test the system’s functionality at different simultaneous request rates. A stress test is designed to increase the number of simultaneous applications on a system’s past degradation of performance to the point that they fail completely. Stress testing requires simulating high user flows, as well as configuring a highly secure environment, thus team will have to dedicate more resources to it. QA specialists need an advanced toolkit to control stress levels and isolate the test environment. Investing in tools adds to the overall stress and load testing budget.

The differences between load tests and stress tests

This type of testing uses Murphy’s Law, where testers presume that anything that can go wrong will eventually do so, and it’s better to be prepared for the worst. A stress test will typically max out one portion of the system or another which eventually causes slowdowns and then crashes or unresponsiveness. It is important to determine which components in the system will be the first to encounter issues during the test. For this reason, there are several components we recommend you monitor when performing a stress test. It is worth noting that depending on the application, software, or even technology being used in your environment/system, what metrics you measure during a stress test could vary. Once baseline performance values are known, the number of users is increased to a number that may be realistically expected to visit the site during a sample period.

To measure the performance of different application modules under different loads. To ensure that under different permissible the response time for all the transactions is within the SLA as fixed by the business. It is very helpful in understanding the achievable performance of business-critical transactions along with resource utilization. Based on the load test result, the business decides to scale up or scale down the backend infrastructure.

Difference between Performance Testing and Stress Testing

Performance testing is done to check the performance of website servers, database, and network. If you are adopting waterfall methodology, then it is important for you to check each time release of a new version. However, if you are using the agile software development approach, then you need to test application continuously.

If you are undecided and not sure if you need to use a performance testing tool because you think you can get off easy by doing things manually, you may want to think again. Either way, investing in a performance testing load test definition tool is certainly a good choice. Here the system is put under stress by having inserting users many-folds than the expected told, or by putting stress on the DB and servers with many transactions and API calls.

Key Differences Between Load Testing and Stress Testing

Additionally, there is also a solution for monitoring any custom performance counters from your devices and servers. For more information on performance counter monitoring, visit our Performance Counter Monitoring solutions page. Franklin Okeke is a contributing content writer with a strong focus on cybersecurity, search engine optimization and software development content. Learn more about all the processes that are a part of software development with this bundle from TechRepublic Academy. Transactions per second – for each transaction, the number of times it passed, failed or stopped during each second of the performance test. Any periodical process that may affect the performance of the system, but which can only be detected during a prolonged system run.

Stress tests can help identify bottlenecks during brief intense loads from things such as viral marketing, international news recognition, and heavy online shopping days such as Black Friday. Stress Testing’s purpose is to examine the behavior of the system when there is an extreme load that is over the breaking point. This is a non-functional test and aimed to check the stability and robustness of the system. In stress testing, the tester wants to figure out how the system is recovering after a crash, if the data is corrupted, and if there are any security issues. Load Testing is intended to check how the system will perform under a large number of users at the same time for a bounded time frame to simulate a real-life situation.

Why Do You Need to Stress Test?

This post will walk you through the specifics of load testing vs stress testing and explain why both are crucial for achieving higher performance rate. If the load test continues to detect issues, then you need to take a closer look at the system performance counters to determine the root cause of the slowdown or failure. This is when a load test becomes a stress test as the load unexpectedly causes performance issues. A performance engineer will walk you through the entire load and stress testing process. The goals of a load test are quite different compared to the goals of a stress test. A load test is performed to ensure that a website, web application, or API is capable of handling specific numbers of users at once.

  • Ideally, load testing should form part of the Continuous Integration cycle so that it happens automatically.
  • Therefore, the main way to differentiate between these two types of testing is by focusing on their end goal.
  • However, at some point you will see that while you are adding more and more virtual users, the number of requests per second remains the same or even goes down due to increased response time.
  • In other words, stress tests help you determine how a system would behave under an extreme load, such as a DDoS attack, Slashdot effect, or other scenarios.
  • It also allows you to find bottlenecks before they occur and choke your business.