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Linear Programming in Python

mixed integer linear

This is in conflict with the given constraints x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0. Such a system doesn’t have a feasible solution, so it’s called infeasible. In this section, you’ll learn the basics of linear programming and a related discipline, mixed-integer linear programming. In the next section, you’ll see some practical linear programming examples. Later, you’ll solve linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming problems with Python.

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Farmers are implementing such linear programming techniques to understand know what crops can be grown on the land and follow better farming practices. Below are the source files for generating the contour plots in Python. The linear program is solved with the APM model through a web-service while the contour plot is generated with the Python package Matplotlib.

Reduced Costs and multiple optimal solutions

This would make the decision variables limitless and the objective function infinite as well. A convex optimization problem is a problem where all of the constraints are convex functions, and the objective is a convex function if minimizing or a concave function if maximizing. Linear functions are convex, so linear programming problems are convex problems.

A is called convex- if a line segment is drawn from any point (x, f) to another point (y, f), from x to y — lies on or above the graph of f, as shown in the figure below. Now that we are familiar with the terminologies let us throw some more light on Mixed-Linear integer programming. This type of problem is important, especially when we express quantities in integers like the number of products produced by the machine or the number of customers served. The user can start by creating a MOSEK environment, but it is not necessary if the user does not need access to other functionalities, license management, additional routines, etc. Therefore in this tutorial we don’t create an explicit environment. We look forward to sharing our expertise, consulting you about your product idea, or helping you find the right solution for an existing project.

  • To solve this exercise using Python we are going to use the high-level library Pulp.
  • We also learn about the uses of linear programming and the basic terminologies of linear programming.
  • The example will install the gurobipy package, which includes a limited Gurobi license that allows you to solve small models.
  • Our example is a minimization problem, so we pass the LpMinimize argument.
  • The third product brings the largest profit per unit, so the factory will produce it the most.

Are sufficient to ensure there are 25 nurses available during from 10 p.m. If the inputs are put correctly in this structure, the method can be used, otherwise, it is necessary to make some changes in our modeling to adapt the problem to the acceptable structure. The problem of finding the maximum can be replaced by the problem of finding the minimum by taking the coefficients c with the opposite sign. A reduction in problem size typically translates to a reduction in total run time. Modify the assembly time constraint by changing its right-hand side by adding overtime. A hard constraint cannot be violated under any circumstances.

Python | Linear Programming in Pulp

Raw materials are brought to the first plant from the first warehouse and from the third warehouse . Raw materials are brought to the second plant from the second warehouse and from the third warehouse . In total, both plants will receive 8 tons of raw materials, as required at the lowest possible cost. Modern LP solvers, such as CPLEX Simplex Optimizer, have built-in mechanisms to help escape such cycling by using perturbation techniques involving the variable bounds. It is possible that multiple non-optimal solutions with the same objective value exist.

Converting hard constraints to soft is one way to resolve infeasibilities. DOcplex helps you identify potential causes of infeasibilities, and it will also suggest changes to make the model feasible. When faced with an infeasible model, it’s not always easy to identify the source of the infeasibility. Draw each of the constraints as you would draw any line in 2 dimensions. The continuous variable cell represents the production of cell phones. The continuous variable desk represents the production of desk telephones.

Graphical is limited to the two-variable problem while simplex and Karmakar’s method can be used for more than two variables. Since parameters used here are defined before when solving the primal problem, we won’t define them here. According to strong duality, we can find the optimal value for the primal problem by solving the dual problem. The duality theorems provide the foundations of enlightening economic interpretations of linear programming problems. For a maximization problem, we can first transform it to an equivalent minimization problem and then follow the above steps above to construct the dual minimization problem. This problem is to maximize the objective, so that we need to put a minus sign in front of parameter vector c.

Dropping constraints out of a problem is called relaxing the problem. In such a case, x and y wouldn’t be bounded on the positive side. You’d be able to increase them toward positive infinity, yielding an infinitely large z value. The Python ecosystem offers several comprehensive and powerful tools for linear programming. You can choose between simple and complex tools as well as between free and commercial ones.


It’s a computationally intensive tool, but the advances in computer hardware and software make it more applicable every day. This algorithm is a method to solve linear programming problems. It’s possible to say that the Simplex method has had a great contribution to the popularization and use of linear programming to solve real-life problems. This graphic shows an example of an infeasible constraint set for the telephone production problem. Assume in this case that the person entering data had accidentally entered lower bounds on the production of 1100 instead of 100. The arrows show the direction of the feasible region with respect to each constraint.

Now that we have our data in the right structure, we will create our LP problem using JuMP and GLPK. The decision variables of our problem will be the number of freights from a specific warehouse to a specific bar, this is represented in the @variables macro. Different from the first exercise, since there are more variables in this example, we are using loops inside the macros to facilitate our job to create the problem structure. We are using exactly the same macros, however, instead of writing one line of code for each variable that we have, we are using a loop inside each macro.

Example: a production problem

The uses of Linear programming in Python can be defined as when an organization implements linear programming it considers two main where the first is minimization and the other is maximization. Minimization concerning linear programming in Python means to minimize the total cost of production whereas Maximization on the other hand means to maximize the company or organization’s profit. Hence, linear programming in Python with its graphical method helps to find the optimum solution. PuLP is one of my favourites for solving simple linear programming problems. Unlike SciPy, PulP does not require us to provide inputs in the form of matrices or vectors.

To do this, first draw a line representing the objective by substituting a value for the objective. Comparison operators used in writing linear constraint use Python comparison operators too. Any linear constraint can be rewritten as one or two expressions of the type linear expression is less than or equal to zero.

Latest release enables data professionals to easily integrate machine learning models into optimization models to solve new types of problems. The Interior Point is described as the method where the approximation of the constraints is considered as a set of boundaries covering a defined region. The approximations are then utilized for problems consisting of constraints, which are discontinuous or troublesome but have the possibility of modifying them so that they can be handled.

Now you have the objective function added and the model defined. Opt.status is 0 and opt.success is True, indicating that the optimization problem was successfully solved with the optimal feasible solution. Once you install it, you’ll have everything you need to start.

Writing a mathematical model

You can revise the basics of mathematical concepts in this article. In my previous article, I have demonstrated how to solve linear programming problems using the graphical method. This article will show you how to solve linear programming problems in Python using four different open-source libraries — Scipy, PuLP, Pyomo, and Google OR-Tools. You can define variable names in your model to make your model look more intuitive to the person who will be reading it later. Hence, we create indices for our decision variables which will be defined later. This is a generic case of Route Optimization in the world of Operations Research and Optimization.

We build the linear programming problem by adding the main objective function. Note – we have the optimum solution for our problem and the output given below indicates the same. There are several suitable and great Python tools for linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming problems.

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Due to the limited number of workers, a python linear programming has maximum of 100 labour hours. To make each plate it costs $9 in materials and $10 in labour. To make each cup it costs $10 in materials and $14 in labour. Linear programming is much easier to understand once we have an example of such an optimization problem.

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Another great open source solver is the GNU Linear Programming Kit . Unlike the previous example, you can’t conveniently visualize this one because it has four decision variables. However, the principles remain the same regardless of the dimensionality of the problem. For each unit of the first product, three units of the raw material A are consumed.

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The following graph illustrates the firm’s constraints and iso-revenue lines. We describe the important concept of complementary slackness and how it relates to the dual problem. Further, we can check how many products need to be supplied from each warehouse and hence how much capacity will be needed at each warehouse.

Value of the Objective Function

For each warehouse i it is known how much cargo ai is in it, and for each plant its need bj for cargo is known. The transportation cost is proportional to the distance from the warehouse to the plant (all distances cij from the i-th warehouse to the j-th plant are known). Presolve evaluates the model formulation before solving it, and attempts to reduce the size of the problem that is sent to the solver engine. If the default algorithm does not break the degenerate cycle, it’s a good idea to try some other algorithms, for example the Dual-simplex Optimizer.


Hence, the efficiency of the convex optimization problem in time is much better. Memory and solution time may rise exponentially as you add more integer variables. After just a moment, Solver displays a message that indicates that an optimal solution has been found that meets our constraints.

  • The duality theorems provide the foundations of enlightening economic interpretations of linear programming problems.
  • Guess values of the decision variables, which will be refined by the optimization algorithm.
  • The function value() and the corresponding method .value() return the actual values of the attributes.

There are limits in terms of the company’s production capacity, and the company has to calculate the optimal number of each type of phone to produce, while not exceeding the capacity of the plant. The objective is to maximize profit, and the company has to produce at least 100 of each type of phone. Continuous variables are variables the set of real numbers . In this topic, you’ll learn what the basic characteristics of a linear program are. You should also be able to describe some of the algorithms used to solve LPs, explain what presolve does, and recognize the elements of an LP in a basic DOcplex model. Check out my article on how to solve integer programming problems with Python.

Some variants of this method are the branch-and-cut method, which involves the use of cutting planes, and the branch-and-price method. The basic method for solving linear programming problems is called the simplex method, which has several variants. Imagine that you have a system of linear equations and inequalities. We have the objective function which is subject to the “Calories” constraint as defined in the code above. After the definition of one of the five components of nutrition, let’s move ahead and define the four remaining components as well to formulate the problem.