
Legal and Business FAQs


Frequently Asked Legal and Business Questions

Do you have questions about dress codes, legal agreements, or business requirements? Here are the answers to some of the most common legal and business FAQs.

Question Answer
Is there a dress code for Qatar business class? Learn more about the dress code for Qatar business class.
What are the legal requirements for a business partnership? Find out what legal requirements you need to know for a business partnership.
Can you explain the meaning of „per contra“ in law? Understand the legal implications of the term „per contra“ in law.
What are the requirements for being a representative? Learn about the legal guidelines and qualifications for being a representative.
What is the difference between a Bachelor of Law and a Juris Doctor? Explore the key differences between the Bachelor of Law and Juris Doctor degrees.
What is additional paid-in capital for a private company? Understand the concept of additional paid-in capital for a private company.
What is a resident alien vs. a non-resident alien for tax purposes? Discover the key differences between a resident alien and a non-resident alien for tax purposes.
What are the gambling laws in the US? Find out what you need to know about gambling laws in the US.
What is a deposit refund agreement, and how does it work? Understand the legal rights and obligations involved in a deposit refund agreement.
What are the ethical standards outlined in the Law Society’s code of professional conduct? Learn about the legal ethics standards set forth in the Law Society’s code of professional conduct.